Visual Tour

Main Program

Main Window

The main window has a clear and easy to use interface which is split into the file system tree and the list of scans (on the left) and the detailed view (on the right). You can, optionally, show other lists and charts on the right, which are described on the following slides.

Dark Mode

SpaceObServer is also available in Dark Mode. Toggle it on and off in the settings!


In a separated line chart you can track the size development of the directory selected in the left tree. Optionally, you can also show the size increase (red) and size decrease (green) for each subfolder directly in the directory tree (on the left).

Details View

In the details view you will find a lot of valuable information about the disk usage like the folder size, the space wasted by the file system, the last access date, the NTFS compression rate and the owner. The list can be sorted by any column and more columns can easily be added using the context menu.

Pie Chart

With the pie charts you will quickly get a good impression of the disk usage. The charts can also be printed or copied to the clipboard.

Bar Chart

An alternative graphical presentation is the bar chart. The appearance of the charts can be configured in many ways using the chart toolbar (2D / 3D mode, colors & design patterns, grid lines, zoom.)

Treemap Chart

The treemap chart is a hierarchical chart visualizing the size of all subfolders (not only the direct child folders) of a selected directory branch. The tiles can be viewed in 2D (pictured) and 3D mode.


The used disk space can be broken down into the file types. Filtering the file system tree on the left by certain file extensions will make it easy to find folders containing many files of the particular type.


The used disk space can also be grouped and filtered by users, in the same manner as the file types.

Top 100 Files

The Top 100 Files list provides a quick overview of the 100 largest files that exist in the selected directory structure. Optionally, you can also adjust the number of files and determine whether the file size or allocated space should be taken into account.

Duplicate Files

Duplicate files can be identified by the MD5 checksum of their content or a combination of name, size and last change date. Redundant files in this list can be checked and deleted, moved or zipped directly.

File Age & Size Distribution

It is also possible to analyze used disk space regarding the age of files. A similar chart can visualize the size distribution.

Merged Statistics

Group scanned directories in "Containers". This allows analyses across drives, e.g. the search for duplicate files in all physical drives of a department or the whole company.

Exchange Mailboxes Scans

SpaceObServer examines how much disk space is occupied by Exchange mailboxes down to folder level: Mailboxes including all subfolders are analyzed and you can see which folders occupy plenty of disk space.

File Search

A flexible file search with many predefined searches allows filtering and listing files directly from the database.

You can filter files by pattern or extensions, search for very big files or files not changed in a long time, files of specific users or with certain file attributes.

Bulk Rename

SpaceObServer can rename numerous files at the same time with its Bulk Rename feature. Doing so, a variety of options for appropriate naming rules can be used.


Many aspects of SpaceObServer can be configured in the options dialog. Beside many view and export options you can configure the database connection and the properties of the scan service here.

Configure Scans

You can easily schedule scans, configure scan options and see the state of active scans.

Post Scan Actions

Generate automated exports with SpaceObServer Enterprise Edition and its new "Post Scan Actions" feature. Tailor reports to your needs as SpaceObServer lets you configure your exports with a broad variety of configuration options. After a successful scan, SpaceObServer exports results automatically.

Functionality of SpaceObServer

Here you can see how the data transfer between the file system, the database, and SpaceObServer works. All components can be located on separate machines.