SEPA Bank Transactions Created With One Click
In a digitalized world, there is no time to waste on manual processes: Payments within the SEPA areas for invoices from service providers and suppliers or salaries to employees, to name a few, need to be done quickly. With SEPA-Transfer, we offer you a solution to boost up your process easily and safely.
Collective and automated SEPA payments
Do you have to carry out several bank transactions on a specific date? For example, transfer salaries? With SEPA-Transfer, you can prepare all transfer orders collectively.
Transfers to many recipients can also be automated with SEPA-Transfer using the command line: This allows you to complete recurring import processes with a single click and all you need to do for the subsequent transfer to your bank is entering your PIN and TAN. We also provide an intelligent clipboard parser that scans data inside your clipboard and pastes all needed information into the mask automatically.
Templates for recurring transfers using SEPA-Transfer
In modern business area, there should be as much automation within standard processes as possible. SEPA-Transfer allows you to safe SEPA payments as a template automatically - perfect for recurring tasks.
The SEPA payment process with SEPA-Transfer at one glance
- Is your transfer data available as an Excel document or in another supported format? SEPA-Transfer acts like a SEPA converter and imports postings from Excel, CSV, DTA files and, in the Enterprise Edition, from data bases and saves them. This way you can access this data over and over again.
- Complete the SEPA transfer: After you have created a transfer, you can issue the transfer order for your domestic German account to the bank with one click.
- Boost up your payment process, profiting from templates and automated imports.
Check out SEPA-Transfer for free
Does SEPA-Transfer come in handy for your SEPA transactions, too? Try it yourself with our 30-days trial version for SEPA-Transfer!

SEPA-Transfer Small Business Edition